Contract Management

Believing on the theory that prevention is better than cure; VMS has time tested procedures in place for administering various forms of Contract from its inception to handing over. Contemporary records are thoroughly maintained and dispute avoidance is always on top of our priority list. Nonetheless if a claim situation arises, we have all the documents readily available, which save a substantial amount of time, thereby making the complete process highly efficient. We offer contract administration service for both pre-contract and post-contract phases of a development. Our Services includes,


Initial budgetary estimate
Preliminary cash flow
Identification of items for advance purchase
Value management
Cost monitoring (against design progress)
Preliminary cost plan & cash flows

Tendering & Documentation

Procurement strategy – packages, tendering & contracts
Preparation of contract documentation
Preparation of standard &consistent BOQ
Tender review & analysis
Preparation of Letter of award & Contracts

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